Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Will the Boat Float?

We are reading about Noah’s Ark this week in school. Our science experiment is- to see how to make a boat move without touching and how much weight the boat will hold before sinking. Noah’s ark had to be very big because the animals were heavy. Our curriculum called for us to make boats out of tin foil and fill them with some sort of weights to represent animals. How many animals would fit on our boat?
The littles were very excited about this activity! Playing in the water is a favorite. I made each `little’ a tin foil boat and filled the bath tub. Each child set their boat in the water and was surprised that it actually floated! We then blew on the boat and made waves to see if we could get the boats to move.

We used pennies as `animals’ in our boats. After a while Joshua got tired of putting pennies in his boat and turned it over in the water. He then turned over Logan’s boat
The only boat to safely survive Hurricane Joshua was Luke’s boats. We got 75 animals (pennies) on board before the boat sank.

Bon Voyage!

1 comment:

Heather Hart said...

That's awesome! I am greatly looking forward to doing this with my 'littles'!